8 Things you didn’t about your Mouth

Pregnancy And Oral Health Putney Dental Care

The mouth is one part of the human body that is as mysterious as it is fascinating. Some of its parts include gums, teeth, tongue, lips, and the enamel, which can be found on the surface of teeth. These parts serve functions such as tasting and eating different foods, talking and kissing. However, away from its well-known functions and characteristics, there are a few peculiar facts about the human mouth that are not known to many people. For instance, did you know that taste is the weakest of the five senses?

  1. Your Mouth has the most Bacteria in Your Body

‘Human oral microbiome’ is the name that scientists have given to the ecosystem in the mouth. The primary organism in this ecosystem is the bacteria and it is estimated that, in the human mouth, there are approximately 6 billion of them. Some of these bacteria are good, and they contribute to the overall oral hygiene of a person while others are bad. The Streptococcus Mutans is a type of bad bacteria that can be found in the mouth and contributes to tooth decay. It is interesting to note that of all the organs in your body, your mouth has the highest number of bacteria.

  1. Saliva Aids in the Tasting of Flavours

Did you know that in a typical day, you produce up to 1.5 litres of saliva? One peculiar function that this liquid serves is in aiding in the tasting of the flavours that are introduced to the mouth. The components of saliva, which include water and electrolytes, break down food in the mouth into its constituent chemicals. It is only after the food has been broken down by the saliva that an individual is able to identify it as tasty.

  1. Your Teeth are Alive

When given an option to describe their teeth as either alive or dead, most people are likely to say that their teeth are dead. This is because of the physical nature of our teeth, especially the enamel, which is the hardest substance in the human body. However, teeth are alive. Think about it; your teeth grow, your milk teeth die and fall off your mouth, your teeth are sensitive to heat and cold and you feel pain when you have decay. It is thus, important to have good dental practices in order to maintain the health and life of your teeth.

  1. A Person Typically Chews on One Side of their Mouth

Another interesting fact is that human beings chew typically using one side of their mouths, a decision that is not necessarily conscious. The side of the mouth that a person chews on is not necessarily similar to the side of their dominant hand, even though this is the case with most people. To prevent unevenness, it is recommended that a person makes a point to chew using both sides of their mouth.

  1. The Tongue has some of the Strongest Muscles in the Body

The tongue has the strongest muscles in the body when compared to its relative size. In total, there are 8 flexible muscles on the tongue, which are unsupported by any skeletal structure and which give it its strength. Chewing, eating and talking are possible only because of the flexibility of the tongue. Interestingly, the tongue never gets tired.

  1. The Tongue has a Unique Print

Just like the finger, the tongue has a unique print that cannot be found in any other person. This means that where possible, you can be identified using your tongue print rather than that of your finger.

  1. Enamel is the Hardest Substance in the Human Body

The enamel is the visible part of the tooth that covers the crown, and its colour can vary from grayish-white and light yellow. It also happens to be the hardest substance in the human body as it contains a higher percentage of minerals when compared to water and organic material. This substance is also harder than other material like steel, but unhealthy dental habits can cause it to erode and decay. Enamel is crucial for the protection of your teeth, so making regular dentist visits is crucial for your oral health.

  1. Teeth yet to grow can be Found on the Skull

Have you ever wondered where the teeth that grow in your mouth come from? Teeth that are yet to grow in a person can be found arranged on the skull right above the jaw area. This can be seen in the skull of a child who has yet to lose their milk teeth. As the child grows, the milk teeth are pushed out by those located in the expanding skull.


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