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Looking to brighten up your smile at the hands of a dentist you can trust?

When it comes to teeth cleaning in Sydney, Putney Dental Care is a stand-out candidate for precise dental cleaning services and a deep clean you will be feeling for days after. If you want even the most stubborn plaque and tartar to be cleared out, then trust your teeth cleaning needs with us.

What is Teeth Cleaning?

Teeth cleaning, otherwise known as dental cleaning, is a process to assess the health of your teeth and remove plaque and tartar that has built up on your enamel. It is not an invasive process and generally can be done in under an hour, depending on the amount of work needed to clean your teeth completely.

Typically, a teeth cleaning session will follow 6 steps to guarantee any dental problems are noted, and the deep clean has reached every corner of your mouth:

1. Physical Assessment

Before the dental cleaning process can begin, our dental hygienist will start with a comprehensive examination of your mouth, teeth, and gums. This is done using a small mirror to search for signs of gingivitis, tooth decay, cracks, or any other possible issues.

If any serious issues are found, then a dentist may be required to determine whether it is fine for the cleaning procedure to continue. They will also advise you if any additional treatments are required to fix the issue.

2. Removal of Plaque and Tartar

A scaler is used to remove built-up debris around your gum line and between your teeth, including persistent plaque and tartar. This process will feel odd and coincide with a scraping sound, but scaling is a painless process that may require additional effort at certain tough spots.

Tartar can only be removed through this professional service, so if you find a lot of effort is needed during this stage, more brushing and flossing may be required.

3. Electric Toothbrush Cleaning

Once the tartar has been removed from your teeth, your hygienist will follow up with a high-powered electric toothbrush. A gritty toothpaste is used to ensure that your teeth are scrubbed clean, and no leftover debris lingers.

This kind of polishing is only required twice a year by a professional. Regularly cleaning your teeth with such harsh toothpaste will wear down the enamel.

4. Flossing

While regular flossing is vital for oral health, a professional floss job can dig deep into any potential spots you may have missed. This flossing also ensures that any leftover plaque or toothpaste from previous steps in the teeth cleaning process has been completely removed.

5. Rinsing

Any persisting debris is cleaned out by rinsing. The rinse you use usually contains liquid fluoride to ensure a professional cleaning.

6. Fluoride Treatment Application

The final step of your appointment will be the application of fluoride treatment, which is a foamy gel or sticky paste that is smeared over your teeth. It may also be kept in place with a mouthguard in some instances. The treatment protects your teeth and helps fight against cavities or gum disease for several months, even after it is rinsed out.

Fluoride varnish will be applied to your teeth with a small brush once the treatment is rinsed out. This varnish hardens when in contact with saliva, so you can usually eat or drink immediately after your appointment.

Scheduling Your First Appointment

Keep your oral health at the top of its game by booking an appointment with a dentist that puts your teeth first. Putney Dental Care adheres to the highest standard of dental cleaning professionalism, working hard to make the entire process comfortable from the first call for an appointment until you head out the door.

Even after you leave, your well-being will be kept in mind as our team is always ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have following your teeth cleaning appointment. So take that step and give us a call or book an appointment online to set up your first professional teeth cleaning appointment.

When Do I Need Teeth Cleaning?

Some dental issues do not show visible symptoms or cause pain, making it difficult to tell when a professional teeth cleaning is needed. While regular dental services are necessary to maintain your oral health, you may also require a deep cleaning if you notice certain warning signs:

  • Bad breath (Halitosis)
  • Bleeding or swollen gums
  • Tooth pain and/or sensitivity
  • Visible discolouration or stains
  • Receding gums
  • Loose teeth

Benefits of Regular Teeth Cleaning

Getting your teeth cleaned, even professionally, may not seem like a big deal, but it is a necessity for your long-term dental health. Some of the benefits of regular dental cleaning include:

  • Preventing possible dental issues that may require additional treatments such as fillings, crowns, implants, or root canals.
  • Saving money by catching these issues early on before they require more comprehensive treatment.
  • Having a whiter and brighter smile, even without professional teeth whitening, by removing stains or discolourations.
  • Reducing the risk of developing certain heart and stomach diseases due to bad oral health.
  • Detecting oral cancer at an early stage, when it is possible to cure it.
  • Resolving persistent bad breath.

While your teeth are just one facet of you, they are a vital aspect of your overall health. Poor oral health is known to affect other areas of your physical well-being, which is why it is so important to experience quality care regularly at a dental clinic you can trust.

How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?

We recommend seeing a dentist for a deep clean twice a year to keep your smile as healthy as possible. However, everyone’s teeth are different, so you should always follow the schedule that your dentist advises. 

What Our Dentists Use For Teeth Cleaning

Only cutting-edge dental technology is used by our hygienists when it comes to cleaning patients’ teeth. While regular brushing helps maintain your dental health, the high-performing instruments used at Putney Dental Care ensure that your smile will be at its brightest.

Modern Digital X-ray Technology

X-rays are often required for a complete assessment of your teeth’s health, which is why your dentist may recommend dental radiographs if it has been a while since your last image. New dental problems or changes to the teeth may have occurred since your last x-ray, seen in discolourations on the image of your mouth. Digital-x-ray


A laser examination tool that aids in the early detection of decay anywhere on a tooth’s surface. It supports the physical examination of the teeth cleaning process, as well as x-rays images if taken.

Air Polishing

An air polisher releases a jet of compressed air mixed with water and sodium bicarbonate or glycine powders. The nozzle is directed across and between the teeth to target and remove stains, trapped food debris, and plaque build-up.

The process is gentle and pain-free, making it a suitable cleaning tool for those who may have sensitive gums or are nervous about cleaning their teeth. Despite this gentleness, an air polisher can remove even the worst stains from your teeth, including those made by coffee, tobacco or wine.

Intraoral Camera

The condition of your teeth can be further catalogued through the imaging technology of an intraoral camera. The camera captures photos and film to help assess plaque formations, chipped teeth, gum diseases, and other potential oral conditions.

Aftercare Guidance

Professional teeth cleaning may have provided you with a newly shiny smile, but it is important to maintain this level of cleanliness even after leaving the dentist. In the six months until your next cleaning appointment, you can take care of your teeth by:

  • Regular brushing: You should always brush twice a day to maintain your oral health, using fluoride-based toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush, to keep plaque and tartar levels low between cleans. Preventative care is always the best way to prevent any dental complications from occurring.
  • Daily flossing: Whenever you brush your teeth, take some time to also floss. This will ensure there are no hidden pieces of debris trapped between the teeth and prolong the effect of your professional cleaning.
  • Pay attention to sensitivity: It is normal to experience some sensitivity following your appointment, but you can reduce its impact by avoiding hot and cold foods, as well as eating those that are soft.
  • Rinse with mouthwash or saltwater: Using mouthwash once a day will help kill bad bacteria and keep your teeth cleaner for longer. If you are experiencing sensitivity, you may prefer to rinse with saltwater instead for 10-12 seconds to help provide relief.
  • Schedule future visits: Be sure to schedule your next visit around 6 months in the future to maintain your teeth’s health and cleanliness. Regular cleaning can significantly lower your risk of developing any health complications and keep your smile shining.

Putney Dental Care Team

Book Now with Putney Dental Care

Begin your journey to a brighter and healthier smile by booking a teeth cleaning appointment with Putney Dental Care. Feel free to contact us or go online to book your first appointment right away.

Our dental hygienists are ready and waiting to provide a deep cleaning experience like no other! Just sit back, relax, and let us do the hard work of cleaning off that stubborn plaque and polishing your teeth into a brilliant shine.


Does Teeth Cleaning Hurt?

Generally, teeth cleaning is a relaxing experience that should cause no pain. However, oral conditions such as tooth decay or inflammation in the gums can cause some sensitivity or discomfort if touched during cleaning.

Does Teeth Cleaning Impact Existing Dental Work?

Your dentist should be aware of any existing dental work before they begin cleaning, so they will make extra effort to clean those areas with care. In the end. there should be no impact beyond cleaner teeth, even if you have had extensive dental work done.

Is Teeth Cleaning Safe During Pregnancy?

Dental cleaning is perfectly safe no matter what trimester of pregnancy you are in. The only consideration necessary is that you must lay back during the procedure, which may be difficult for some during the third trimester.

Are There Side Effects to Teeth Cleaning?

You may experience increased sensitivity or some soreness in the teeth and gums after a cleaning. Some bleeding around the gums is also not unusual when a significant amount of plaque or debris has been removed. Clearing out this debris may also make the gaps between your teeth more noticeable.

Is Teeth Cleaning Worth It?

Teeth cleaning is not only worth it but necessary to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Regular professional cleans should not be missed out on if you want to guarantee a bright and healthy smile.

Visit Our Clinic


P. (02) 9808 2588

A. Suite 5, 227 Morrison Rd, Putney, NSW 2112
(Next Door To Royal Rehab)

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Reserved Parking Available At Rear.

Opening Hours

Monday – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Tuesday – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Wednesday – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Thursday – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Friday – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Saturday – 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Emergency Appointments Available

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